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Whats New! Last update: 10th July 2013
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Granzella Plaza in Twilight
Drop Science Subway
Tanabata Double Stardust Flight
Glittering Sands Beach
Granzella Setsubun 2013
Granzella Valentines 2013
Dreamy Beds
Peakvox Ninja
Granzella Halloween 2012
Halloween 2012
Sonic Adventure 2
E3 2012
The Midways
Southern Island Hideaway
The Dream Yacht
Dragons Green
Moon Forest Apartment
Plum Tree Pavilion Apartment
Siren Blood Curse
Mega Man 10
MotorStorm Carrier
French Chateau Apartment
Mount Olympus
Novus Prime
LocoRoco Mui Mui Crusier
Cauldron of the Sunless Kingdom
Creek Falls
Nebula Air Ship
Namco Museum Essentials
Batman Arkhum Asylum
Cutterridge Estate
LocoRoco Apartment
Sodium One
Pirate Galleon Apartment
Hudson Gate
LittleBigPlanet Playground
Sega Bass Fishing
Los Penguini Brothers
Espionage 9
S1 Salt Shooter Public
Elemental Monsters Lounge
Assassins Creed 2
Red Dead Redemption
Feva Arena
Tokyo Game Show 2011
LittleBigPlanet Pod Penthouse
Irem Seaside of Memories
Scribble Shooter
E3 2011
Irem Square
Disgaea 3
Sonic Adventure
Crazy Taxi
Namco Arcade Center
Mishima Zaibatsu Recreation Floor
Super Street Fighter 4
Tekken 6
PSP 3000
White Knight Chronicles
Ratchet And Clank
Namco Theatre
Resistance 2
Resident Evil 5
Street Fighter 4
Everybodys Golf
Closed Beta 2008